Sunday, May 17, 2015

Homework Station- Not Compulsory

Week 5 Term 2

This week Mrs McGarry implemented a 'Homework Station' in room 16. The tasks are not compulsory- students can choose to complete the tasks or not over the week. 

The tasks include and entail: 
  • Maths: Take a new maths revision card home each week. Choose one that will challenge you but one that you will be able to complete at home by yourself. Levels: Yellow card: Level 2, Orange card: Level 3, Green card: Level 4When finished, mark your work using the answer keys. 
  • Reading: Take a new chapter book home each week. Read a chapter a night or for at least 20 minutes. Don’t forget to record it onto your reading log. 
  • Inquiry: Each week or so an inquiry task will be assigned for you. Take a sheet below and complete by the given date. 
The 'Homework Station'.
Selection of chapter books to read! 

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