Weeks 1 to 6 Term 1 2015
For writing this term we are learning how to write letters and for inquiry we are learning about what our soldiers had to go through in WW1. To give us some real insight of what life was like in the trenches for our ANZAC soldiers we decided to create a trench in our classroom using our tables, we then had to army crawl into class with the noise of bullets and bombs sounding over head
(actual recordings from WW1); and once we got into the trench we received a letter from our mother. We spent the next 20 minutes eating 'hard-tack' (soldiers biscuit) and writing our reply.
Mr McGarry made use some hard-tack- thanks Philip! |
Army crawling into the trench! |
Get to safety quick! |
Nearly all in... |
Writing our reply to Mother- amazing letters room 16! |
Yum hardtack MrsMcG